
The fairs are privileged forums for discussion, promotion and innovation, involving sectoral associations, research institutions, technology centers, specialized press and general social media.

To display your products and/or services at EXPONOR fairs you will find here the necessary documentation to register your company.

General Documentation

General Regulations Governing Fairs and Exhibitions

Application Form
The Application Forms allow you to formalize the registration of your company at the fair and are mandatory. You must indicate in the respective field the fair in which you want to participate.

Exhibition Documentation
Each exhibition has a specific Appendix and Product List, available at the exhibition website in Exhibitor > Documentation.
In the Appendix you will find all the information you need about the exhibition: participation prices, assembling and disassembling calendar and services prices. 
To visit EXPONOR fairs websites you can use our exhibition calendar and follow the links for the exhitions you are interested on.    

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